Source code for dmp.dmp

.. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
   regarding copyright ownership.

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
"""  # pylint: disable=too-many-lines

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals

import datetime
import os
import random
import sys
import configparser

import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient, ReadPreference
import bson
from bson.objectid import ObjectId

from dm_generator.GenerateSampleBigBed import GenerateSampleBigBed
from dm_generator.GenerateSampleBigWig import GenerateSampleBigWig
from dm_generator.GenerateSampleCoords import GenerateSampleCoords
from dm_generator.GenerateSampleAdjacency import GenerateSampleAdjacency

[docs]class dmp(object): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ API for management of files within the VRE """ def __init__(self, cnf_loc='', test=False): """ Initialise the module and setup parameters """ config = configparser.RawConfigParser() if test is True: import mongomock self.client = mongomock.MongoClient() self.db_handle = self.client["dmp"] self._test_loading_dataset() else: host = config.get("dmp", "host") port = config.getint("dmp", "port") user = config.get("dmp", "user") password = config.get("dmp", "pass") dmp_db = config.get("dmp", "db") try: self.client = MongoClient( host, port, read_preference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED ) self.client.admin.authenticate(user, password) self.db_handle = self.client[dmp_db] except RuntimeError: error = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Error: %s" % error) sys.exit(1) self.entries = self.db_handle.entries self.db_handle.entries.create_index( [('user_id', pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=False, background=True) self.db_handle.entries.create_index( [('user_id', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('file_type', pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=False, background=True) self.db_handle.entries.create_index( [('user_id', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('data_type', pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=False, background=True) self.db_handle.entries.create_index( [('user_id', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('taxon_id', pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=False, background=True) @staticmethod def _copy_to_tmp(file_path, tmp_path): """ Copy file to a temporary location for testing """ if os.path.isfile(tmp_path) is False: with open(tmp_path, 'wb') as f_out: with open(file_path, 'rb') as f_in: f_out.write( return True def _test_loading_dataset(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """ Load a test dataset into the DM API object """ users = ["adam", "ben", "chris", "denis", "eric"] file_types = [ "fastq", "fa", "fasta", "bam", "bed", "bb", "hdf5", "tsv", "gz", "tbi", "wig", "bw" ] data_types = ['RNA-seq', 'MNase-Seq', 'ChIP-seq', 'WGBS', 'HiC'] compressed = [None, 'gzip', 'zip'] resource_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) file_id = self.set_file( "rao", os.path.join(resource_path, 'rao2014.hdf5'), "file", "hdf5", 64000, None, "HiC", 9606, meta_data={'assembly': 'GCA_0123456789'} ) data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../tests/data/") file_id = self.set_file( "test", os.path.realpath(os.path.join(data_path, '')), "file", "bb", 64000, None, "RNA-seq", 9606, meta_data={'assembly': 'GCA_0123456789'}, _id=ObjectId(str("0123456789ab0123456789aa")) ) if os.path.isfile(data_path + '') is False: gsbb = GenerateSampleBigBed() gsbb.main() file_id = self.set_file( "test", os.path.realpath(os.path.join(data_path, '')), "file", "bw", 64000, None, "RNA-seq", 9606, meta_data={'assembly': 'GCA_0123456789'}, _id=ObjectId(str("0123456789ab0123456789ab")) ) if os.path.isfile(data_path + '') is False: gsbw = GenerateSampleBigWig() gsbw.main() file_id = self.set_file( "test", os.path.join(data_path, 'sample_coords.hdf5'), "file", "hdf5", 64000, None, "HiC", 9606, meta_data={'assembly': 'GCA_0123456789'}, _id=ObjectId(str("0123456789ab0123456789ac")) ) if os.path.isfile(data_path + 'sample_coords.hdf5') is False: gsc = GenerateSampleCoords() gsc.main() file_id = self.set_file( "test", os.path.join(data_path, 'sample_adjacency.hdf5'), "file", "hdf5", 64000, None, "HiC", 9606, meta_data={'assembly': 'GCA_0123456789'}, _id=ObjectId(str("0123456789ab0123456789ad")) ) if os.path.isfile(data_path + 'sample_adjacency.hdf5') is False: gsa = GenerateSampleAdjacency() gsa.main() for user in users: data_type = 'RNA-seq' file_handle = '/tmp/test/' + data_type + '/test_rna-seq.fastq' file_type = "fastq" zipped = None file_id = self.set_file( user, file_handle, "file", file_type, 64000, None, data_type, 9606, None, None, meta_data={'assembly': 'GCA_0123456789'}) file_handle = '/tmp/test/' + data_type + '/test_rna-seq.bam' self.set_file( user, file_handle, "file", 'bam', 64000, None, data_type, 9606, None, [file_id], meta_data={'assembly': 'GCA_0123456789', 'tool': 'bwa_aligner'}) for i in range(10): user = random.choice(users) file_type = random.choice(file_types) data_type = random.choice(data_types) zipped = random.choice(compressed) file_handle = '/tmp/test/' + data_type + '/test_' + str(i) + '.' + file_type file_id = self.set_file( user, file_handle, "file", file_type, 64000, None, data_type, 9606, zipped, meta_data={'assembly': 'GCA_0123456789'}) if data_type == 'RNA-seq' and file_type == 'fastq' and random.choice([0, 1]) == 1: file_handle = '/tmp/test/' + data_type + '/test_' + str(i) + '.bam' self.set_file( user, file_handle, "file", 'bam', 64000, None, data_type, 9606, None, [file_id], meta_data={'assembly': 'GCA_0123456789', 'tool': 'bwa_aligner'}) def _get_rows(self, user_id, key=None, value=None, rest=False): """ Get a list of the file dictionary objects given a `user_id` and `taxon_id` Parameters ---------- user_id : str Identifier to uniquely locate the users files. Can be set to "common" if the files can be shared between users taxon_id : int Taxon ID that the species that the file has been derived from Returns ------- dict file_path : str Location of the file in the file system file_type : str File format (see validate_file) data_type : str The type of information in the file (RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, etc) taxon_id : int Taxon ID that the species that the file has been derived from compressed : str Type of compression (None, gzip, zip) source_id : list List of IDs of files that were processed to generate this file meta_data : dict Dictionary object containing the extra data related to the generation of the file or describing the way it was processed creation_time : list Time at which the file was loaded into the system Example ------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: from dmp import dmp da = dmp() da.get_files_by_taxon_id(<user_id>, <taxon_id>) """ entries = self.db_handle.entries files = [] row_filter = {"user_id": user_id} if ( key is not None and isinstance(str(key), str) and isinstance(value, (str, int, float, bson.objectid.ObjectId)) ): row_filter[key] = value if rest is True: results = entries.find( row_filter, { "file_type": 1, "size": 1, "data_type": 1, "taxon_id": 1, "source_id": 1, "meta_data": 1, "creation_time": 1 } ) else: results = entries.find( row_filter, { "file_path": 1, "path_type": 1, "file_type": 1, "size": 1, "parent_dir": 1, "data_type": 1, "taxon_id": 1, "source_id": 1, "meta_data": 1, "creation_time": 1 } ) for entry in results: entry["_id"] = str(entry["_id"]) entry["creation_time"] = str(entry["creation_time"]) if "expiration_date" in entry["meta_data"]: entry["meta_data"]["expiration_date"] = str(entry["meta_data"]["expiration_date"]) files.append(entry) return files
[docs] def get_file_by_id(self, user_id, file_id, rest=False): """ Returns files data based on the unique_id for a given file Parameters ---------- user_id : str Identifier to uniquely locate the users files. Can be set to "common" if the files can be shared between users file_id : str Location of the file in the file system Returns ------- dict file_path : str Location of the file in the file system path_type : str File or Folder file_type : str File format (see validate_file) size : int Size of the file parent_dir : str Location of the parent dir data_type : str The type of information in the file (RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, etc) taxon_id : int Taxon ID that the species that the file has been derived from compressed : str Type of compression (None, gzip, zip) source_id : list List of IDs of files that were processed to generate this file meta_data : dict Dictionary object containing the extra data related to the generation of the file or describing the way it was processed creation_time : list Time at which the file was loaded into the system Example ------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: from dmp import dmp da = dmp() da.get_file_by_id(<unique_file_id>) """ file_obj = self._get_rows(str(user_id), '_id', ObjectId(str(file_id)), rest) if not file_obj: return {"msg": "No files found"} return file_obj[0]
[docs] def get_file_by_file_path(self, user_id, file_path, rest=False): """ Get a list of the file dictionary objects given a `user_id` and `file_path` Parameters ---------- user_id : str Identifier to uniquely locate the users files. Can be set to "common" if the files can be shared between users file_path : str File path (see validate_file) Returns ------- dict file_path : str Location of the file in the file system file_type : str File format (see validate_file) data_type : str The type of information in the file (RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, etc) taxon_id : int Taxon ID that the species that the file has been derived from compressed : str Type of compression (None, gzip, zip) source_id : list List of IDs of files that were processed to generate this file meta_data : dict Dictionary object containing the extra data related to the generation of the file or describing the way it was processed creation_time : list Time at which the file was loaded into the system Example ------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: from dmp import dmp da = dmp() da.get_files_by_file_path(<user_id>, <file_type>) """ file_obj = self._get_rows(str(user_id), 'file_path', str(file_path), rest) return file_obj
[docs] def get_files_by_user(self, user_id, rest=False): """ Get a list of the file dictionary objects given a `user_id` Parameters ---------- user_id : str Identifier to uniquely locate the users files. Can be set to "common" if the files can be shared between users Returns ------- list List of dict objects for each file that has been loaded by a user. Example ------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: from dmp import dmp da = dmp() da.get_files_by_user(<user_id>) """ file_obj = self._get_rows(str(user_id), None, None, rest) if not file_obj: return {"msg": "No files found"} return file_obj
[docs] def get_files_by_file_type(self, user_id, file_type, rest=False): """ Get a list of the file dictionary objects given a `user_id` and `file_type` Parameters ---------- user_id : str Identifier to uniquely locate the users files. Can be set to "common" if the files can be shared between users file_type : str File format (see validate_file) Returns ------- dict file_path : str Location of the file in the file system file_type : str File format (see validate_file) data_type : str The type of information in the file (RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, etc) taxon_id : int Taxon ID that the species that the file has been derived from compressed : str Type of compression (None, gzip, zip) source_id : list List of IDs of files that were processed to generate this file meta_data : dict Dictionary object containing the extra data related to the generation of the file or describing the way it was processed creation_time : list Time at which the file was loaded into the system Example ------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: from dmp import dmp da = dmp() da.get_files_by_file_type(<user_id>, <file_type>) """ file_obj = self._get_rows(str(user_id), "file_type", str(file_type), rest) if not file_obj: return {"msg": "No files found"} return file_obj
[docs] def get_files_by_data_type(self, user_id, data_type, rest=False): """ Get a list of the file dictionary objects given a `user_id` and `data_type` Parameters ---------- user_id : str Identifier to uniquely locate the users files. Can be set to "common" if the files can be shared between users data_type : str The type of information in the file (RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, etc) Returns ------- dict file_path : str Location of the file in the file system file_type : str File format (see validate_file) data_type : str The type of information in the file (RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, etc) taxon_id : int Taxon ID that the species that the file has been derived from compressed : str Type of compression (None, gzip, zip) source_id : list List of IDs of files that were processed to generate this file meta_data : dict Dictionary object containing the extra data related to the generation of the file or describing the way it was processed creation_time : list Time at which the file was loaded into the system Example ------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: from dmp import dmp da = dmp() da.get_files_by_data_type(<user_id>, <data_type>) """ file_obj = self._get_rows(str(user_id), "data_type", str(data_type), rest) if not file_obj: return {"msg": "No files found"} return file_obj
[docs] def get_files_by_taxon_id(self, user_id, taxon_id, rest=False): """ Get a list of the file dictionary objects given a `user_id` and `taxon_id` Parameters ---------- user_id : str Identifier to uniquely locate the users files. Can be set to "common" if the files can be shared between users taxon_id : int Taxon ID that the species that the file has been derived from Returns ------- dict file_path : str Location of the file in the file system file_type : str File format (see validate_file) data_type : str The type of information in the file (RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, etc) taxon_id : int Taxon ID that the species that the file has been derived from compressed : str Type of compression (None, gzip, zip) source_id : list List of IDs of files that were processed to generate this file meta_data : dict Dictionary object containing the extra data related to the generation of the file or describing the way it was processed creation_time : list Time at which the file was loaded into the system Example ------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: from dmp import dmp da = dmp() da.get_files_by_taxon_id(<user_id>, <taxon_id>) """ file_obj = self._get_rows(str(user_id), "taxon_id", int(taxon_id), rest) if not file_obj: return {"msg": "No files found"} return file_obj
[docs] def get_files_by_assembly(self, user_id, assembly, rest=False): """ Get a list of the file dictionary objects given a `user_id` and `assembly` Parameters ---------- user_id : str Identifier to uniquely locate the users files. Can be set to "common" if the files can be shared between users assembly : str Assembly that the species that the file has been derived from Returns ------- dict file_path : str Location of the file in the file system file_type : str File format (see validate_file) data_type : str The type of information in the file (RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, etc) taxon_id : int Taxon ID that the species that the file has been derived from compressed : str Type of compression (None, gzip, zip) source_id : list List of IDs of files that were processed to generate this file meta_data : dict Dictionary object containing the extra data related to the generation of the file or describing the way it was processed creation_time : list Time at which the file was loaded into the system Example ------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: from dmp import dmp da = dmp() da.get_files_by_taxon_id(<user_id>, <taxon_id>) """ file_obj = self._get_rows(str(user_id), "meta_data.assembly", str(assembly), rest) if not file_obj: return {"msg": "No files found"} return file_obj
def _get_file_parents(self, user_id, file_id): """ Private function for getting all parents on a file_id. This function reursively goes up the tree of parents to get a full history. Parameters ---------- user_id : str Identifier to uniquely locate the users files. Can be set to "common" if the files can be shared between users file_id : str File ID for leafe file Returns ------- file_ids : list List of parent file_ids """ entries = self.db_handle.entries file_obj = entries.find_one( {'user_id': user_id, '_id': ObjectId(file_id)}, {"source_id": 1} ) parent_files = [] if file_obj is not None and file_obj['source_id']: source_count = len(file_obj['source_id']) if source_count > 0: for source_id in file_obj['source_id']: parent_files.append([file_id, str(source_id)]) parent_files += self._get_file_parents(user_id, source_id) return parent_files
[docs] def get_file_history(self, user_id, file_id): """ Returns the full path of file_ids from the current file to the original file(s) Needs work to define the format for how declaring the history is best Parameters ---------- user_id : str Identifier to uniquely locate the users files. Can be set to "common" if the files can be shared between users file_id : str ID of the file. This is the value returned when a file is loaded into the DMP or is the `_id` for a given file when the files have been retrieved. Returns ------- list List of lists representing the adjancency of child and parent files. Example ------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: from dmp import dmp da = dmp() history = da.get_file_history("aLongString") print history Output: ``[['aLongString', 'parentOfaLongString'], ['parentOfaLongString', 'parentOfParent']]`` These IDs can then be requested to ruturn the meta data and locations with the `get_file_by_id` method. """ unique_data = [ list(x) for x in set(tuple(x) for x in self._get_file_parents(user_id, file_id)) ] return unique_data
[docs] def remove_file(self, user_id, file_id): """ Removes a single file from the directory. Returns the ID of the file that was removed Parameters ---------- user_id : str Identifier to uniquely locate the users files. Can be set to "common" if the files can be shared between users file_id : str ID of the file. This is the value returned when a file is loaded into the DMP or is the `_id` for a given file when the files have been retrieved. Returns ------- str The file_id of the removed file. Example ------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: from dmp import dmp da = dmp() da.remove_file(<file_id>) """ self.db_handle.entries.delete_one({'user_id': user_id, '_id': ObjectId(file_id)}) return file_id
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_file(entry): """ Validate that the required meta data for a given entry is present. If there is missing data then a ValueError excepetion is raised. This function checks that all required paths are defined and that when various selections are made then the correct matching data is also present Parameters ---------- entry : dict user_id : str Identifier to uniquely locate the users files. Can be set to "common" if the files can be shared between users file_path : str Location of the file in the file system path_type : str File or folder file_type : str File format ("amb", "ann", "bam", "bb", "bed", "bt2", "bw", "bwt", "cpt", "csv", "dcd", "fa", "fasta", "fastq", "gem", "gff3", "gz", "hdf5", "json", 'lif', "pac", "pdb", "pdf", "png", "prmtop", "sa", "tbi", "tif", "tpr", "trj", "tsv", "txt", "wig") size : int Size of the file in bytes data_type : str The type of information in the file (RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, etc) taxon_id : int Taxon ID that the species that the file has been derived from compressed : str Type of compression (None, gzip, zip) source_id : list List of IDs of files that were processed to generate this file meta_data : dict Dictionary object containing the extra data related to the generation of the file or describing the way it was processed assembly : string Returns ------- bool Returns True if there are no errors with the entry If there are issues with the entry then a ValueError is raised. """ # Check the user_id is not empty: if 'user_id' not in entry or entry['user_id'] is None or entry['user_id'] == '': raise ValueError('User ID must be specified for all entries') # Check the file_id is not empty: if 'file_path' not in entry or entry['file_path'] is None or entry['file_path'] == '': raise ValueError('User ID must be specified for all entries') if entry['path_type'] not in ['file', 'dir', 'link']: raise ValueError('Path type must be of value file|dir|link') # Defined list of acepted file types file_types = { "amb": ["assembly"], "ann": ["assembly"], "bam": ["assembly"], "bb": ["assembly"], "bed": ["assembly"], "bt2": ["assembly"], "bw": ["assembly"], "bwt": ["assembly"], "cpt": [], "csv": [], "dcd": [], "fa": [], "fasta": ["assembly"], # This might not always be true and might need to be reviewed "fastq": [], "gem": ["assembly"], "gff3": ["assembly"], "gz": [], "hdf5": ["assembly"], "json": [], 'lif': [], "pac": ["assembly"], "pdb": [], "pdf": [], "png": [], "prmtop": [], "sa": ["assembly"], "tbi": ["assembly"], "tif": [], "tpr": [], "trj": [], "tsv": [], "txt": [], "wig": ["assembly"] } # Check all files match the defined types if ( 'file_type' not in entry or entry['file_type'] == "" or entry['file_type'] not in file_types ): raise ValueError( "File type must be one of the valid file types: " + ','.join(file_types) ) if isinstance(entry['size'], int) is False: raise TypeError('Size must be an integer') # Check all files have a matching Taxon ID if 'taxon_id' not in entry or entry['taxon_id'] is None: raise ValueError('Taxon ID must be specified for all entries') # Require assembly in the meta_data ft_assembly_required = [k for k in file_types if "assembly" in file_types[k]] if str.lower(str(entry['file_type'])) in ft_assembly_required: if 'meta_data' not in entry or 'assembly' not in entry['meta_data']: raise ValueError( 'Matching assembly ID is required within the meta_data field' ) if entry['source_id'] is not None: if 'meta_data' not in entry or 'tool' not in entry['meta_data']: raise ValueError( 'Matching Tool name is required within the meta_data field' ) return True
[docs] def set_file( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals self, user_id, file_path, path_type, file_type="", size=0, parent_dir="", data_type="", taxon_id="", compressed=None, source_id=None, meta_data=None, **kwargs): """ Adds a file to the data management API. Parameters ---------- user_id : str Identifier to uniquely locate the users files. Can be set to "common" if the files can be shared between users file_path : str Location of the file in the file system path_type : str parent_dir : str _id of the parent directory file_type : str File format (see validate_file) size : int File size in bytes data_type : str The type of information in the file (RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, etc) taxon_id : int Taxon ID that the species that the file has been derived from compressed : str Type of compression (None, gzip, zip) source_id : list List of IDs of files that were processed to generate this file meta_data : dict Dictionary object containing the extra data related to the generation of the file or describing the way it was processed assembly : string Dependent paramenter. If the sequence has been aligned at some point during the production of this file then the assembly must be recorded. Returns ------- str This is an id for that file within the system and can be used for tracing this file and where it is used and where it has come from. Example ------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: from dmp import dmp da = dmp() unique_file_id = da.set_file( 'user1', '/tmp/example_file.fastq', 'fastq', 'RNA-seq', 9606, None) If there is a processed result of 1 or more files then these can be specified using the file_id: >>> da.set_file( 'user1', '/tmp/example_file.fastq', 'fastq', 'RNA-seq', 9606, None, source_id=[1, 2]) Meta data about the file can also be included to provide extra information about the file, origins or how it was generated: >>> da.set_file('user1', '/tmp/example_file.fastq', 'fastq', 'RNA-seq', 9606, None, meta_data={'assembly' : 'GCA_0000nnnn', 'downloaded_from' : 'http://www.', }) """ entry = { "user_id": user_id, "file_path": file_path, "path_type": path_type, "parent_dir": parent_dir, "file_type": file_type, "size": size, "data_type": data_type, "taxon_id": taxon_id, "compressed": compressed, "source_id": source_id, "meta_data": meta_data, "creation_time": datetime.datetime.utcnow() } date_delta = datetime.timedelta(days=84) # 12 weeks entry["meta_data"]["expiration_date"] = entry["creation_time"] + date_delta entry.update(kwargs) self.validate_file(entry) entries = self.db_handle.entries entry_id = entries.insert_one(entry).inserted_id return str(entry_id)
[docs] def add_file_metadata(self, user_id, file_id, key, value): """ Add a key value pair to the meta data for a file This way a user is able to add extra information to the meta data to better describe the file. Parameters ---------- user_id : str Identifier to uniquely locate the users files. Can be set to "common" if the files can be shared between users file_id : str ID of the file. This is the value returned when a file is loaded into the DMP or is the `_id` for a given file when the files have been retrieved. key : str Unique key for the identification of the extra meta data. If the key matches a value already in the meta data then it over-writes the current value. value Value to be stored for the given key. This can be a str, int, list or dict. Returns ------- str This is an id for that file within the system and can be used for tracing this file and where it is used and where it has come from. """ entries = self.db_handle.entries entry = entries.find_one( {'user_id': user_id, '_id': ObjectId(file_id)} ) entry['meta_data'][str(key)] = value # Check that the changes are still valid self.validate_file(entry) entries.update( {'_id': ObjectId(file_id)}, {'$set': {'meta_data': entry['meta_data']}} ) return file_id
[docs] def remove_file_metadata(self, user_id, file_id, key): """ Remove a key value pair from the meta data for a given file Parameters ---------- user_id : str Identifier to uniquely locate the users files. Can be set to "common" if the files can be shared between users file_id : str ID of the file. This is the value returned when a file is loaded into the DMP or is the `_id` for a given file when the files have been retrieved. key : str Unique key for the identification of the extra meta data to be removed Returns ------- str This is an id for that file within the system and can be used for tracing this file and where it is used and where it has come from. """ entries = self.db_handle.entries entry = entries.find_one( {'user_id': user_id, '_id': ObjectId(file_id)} ) del entry['meta_data'][key] # Check that the changes are still valid self.validate_file(entry) entries.update( {'user_id': user_id, '_id': ObjectId(file_id)}, {'$set': {'meta_data': entry['meta_data']}} ) return file_id
[docs] def modify_column(self, user_id, file_id, key, value): """ Update a key value pair for the record Parameters ---------- user_id : str Identifier to uniquely locate the users files. Can be set to "common" if the files can be shared between users file_id : str ID of the file. This is the value returned when a file is loaded into the DMP or is the `_id` for a given file when the files have been retrieved. key : str Unique key for the identification of the extra meta data. If the key matches a value already in the meta data then it over-writes the current value. value Value to be stored for the given key. This can be a str, int, list or dict. Returns ------- str This is an id for that file within the system and can be used for tracing this file and where it is used and where it has come from. """ entries = self.db_handle.entries entry = entries.find_one( {'user_id': user_id, '_id': ObjectId(file_id)} ) if str(key) in ['size', 'taxon_id']: entry[str(key)] = int(value) else: entry[str(key)] = value # Check that the changes are still valid self.validate_file(entry) # Update the entry witin the mongodb entries.update( {'user_id': user_id, '_id': ObjectId(file_id)}, {'$set': {str(key): entry[str(key)]}} ) return file_id